Projektujemy, wdrażamy i wspieramy projekty o różnym stopniu skomplikowania i zakresu Digital Signage. Geografia projektów wdrożeniowych obejmuje terytorium Ukrainy, WNP, UE i Wielką Brytanię. Ponad 500 projektów zostało zrealizowanych przez nasz zespół, a także we współpracy z partnerami i integratorami.

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Nasz projekt
Budżet Android-TV w sieci aptek Odtwarzacz DSGO jest instalowany bezpośrednio na telewizorze.
linear video wall 1х24 IP implementation: broadcasting 24 IP streams in 1080p. Single image and individual IP stream modes.
video wall 5х40 IP implementation: broadcasting 200 IP streams in 1080p.
Modes of a single image and breakdown into dynamic groups.
video wall 2х7 IP implementation: broadcasting 14 IP streams 1080p. Single image mode. Integration with the cash system.
Linear Radial Video Wall 1х18 IP implementation: broadcasting 1 IP streams 1080p. Single image mode. Integration with the cash system.
video wall 2х2 Samsung professional displays with installed DS-GO.PRO
player, integration with POS system.
video wall 2х7 IP implementation: broadcasting 14 IP streams 1080p Single image mode. Broadcasting an IP stream from video cameras.
LED video wall media player DS-GO.PRO
Linear and quadratic video wall Led-panels and professional LG displays with DS-GO.PRO installed.
Vertical video wall LG professional displays with DS-GO.PRO installed.
Linear video wall at the cinema box office LG professional displays with DS-GO.PRO installed.
Vertical displays in a cinema LG professional displays with DS-GO.PRO installed.
Displays in the cinema LG professional displays with DS-GO.PRO installed.
Restaurant digital menu media players DS-GO.PRO: 1080p per display. Single Image Mode.
Fast food restaurant digital menu media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Fast food restaurant digital menu media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Fast food restaurant digital menu media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Fast food restaurant digital menu media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Fast food restaurant digital menu media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Fast food restaurant digital menu media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Digital menu, electronic queue and soundtrack at gas stations media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
linear video wall media players DS-GO.PRO.
digital cinema menu and schedule media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
video wall media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cinema cash system.
digital cinema menu and schedule media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Digital menu in the cinema's self-service bar media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Digital video posters media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Video walls and cinema entrance schedule media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
digital cinema menu and schedule media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
digital cinema menu and schedule media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Schedule in the self-service area media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Cinema digital menu media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Cinema Schedule media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system
Restaurant digital menu media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.
Restaurant digital menu media players DS-GO.PRO: Integration with the cash system.